Anthways: Volume 1 (2021)
The Pandemic Issue.
Published: 01st October 2021
Table of Contents:
Editor’s Note: Inaugural Issue
by M.D.A.Routledge
Gay Cruising and Social Media: Has Online Culture Killed the Concept of Anonymous Sex?
by Jordy Luke
Intimate Snapshots: TikTok, Algorithm, and the Recreation of Identity
by Harry Rodgers and Emily Christine Lloyd-Evans
I am a Bisexual, Panromantic, Queer, Kinky, Polyamorous/ Relationship Anarchist. You?: Is it time to turn the idea of sex = romance on its head?
by M.D.A.Routledge
These Squares are Our Flesh: Embodied Spaces of Appearance
by Nena Bisceglia

Cover Image: Raechel Teitelbaum
Footer Image: Harry Rodgers