The issue explores how anthropology re-news, experiments and shifts to meet the challenges of our time.
Volume 4 (2024)
Reworlding – Anthroplogy in times of change
Published: 30th October 2024
Table of contents
Editor’s Note
by Rachel Kennedy
The Drag Queen’s Posthumanist Bodies – One but several, material but incorporeal, worlds across worlds
by Nguyen Huy Hoang
Indigenous knowledge and beautiful experiments in the unruly edges
by Rachel Kennedy
Overflowing Anthropology: A Manifesto
by Jaime Ramírez Cotal
Towards an Anthropology that makes Policy ‘Public’
by Mandeep Singh
The Human-Horse Euthanasia Experience: Actions, Emotions, and Relationality during a Euthanasia Process
by Julio Roberto Maquilón Flores
Thoughts on Doing Multispecies Ethnography in Kenya’s Maasailand
by Gabriella Santini
Rhythms of Connection: A call for feeling in anthropology
by Stephanie L. Ellison
Violation of Child Rights through Pashtun Tribals’ Socialization in Colonial and Post-Colonial Times
by Zafar Khan, Uzma Kamal & Syed Rashid Ali
‘Should I lose my voice, yours will remain’: Anthropological Reflections on Solidarity, the Space and the Practice
by Alreem Alameri
Correspondence as care
by Emelie Isaksen
Wastra and Kain: Indonesian Creative Journeys Through Textiles
by Sarah Ramadhita & Atri Siregar