Alex Heard


Instagram: @alexheardalloneword

  • White text on a black background that reads: In the white washed room, Sally mentally airbended the foam of a
thousand oat cappuccinos across time and space. Foam slurped through
  • White text on a black background that reads: hard black lids with thin slits.
The historical foam was conjured from thin air in cream
coloured beams, and joined in with the foam pouring up and out of the
  • White text on a black background that reads: other students and tutors cups.
Together they formed several milky veins arcing in the air above the crit, and swirled into a bulbous mass in the middle of the
  • White text on a black background that reads: room. It moved continuously in mid-air, growing and morphing as more oat milk foam joined into its aerial orbit.

York, 7:52, 2024

Neobohemian protagonist ensemble (after the Evening Standard) (excerpt), 1:56, 2024