Hang Zhao

 Email: hanghang856421@gmail.com

Instagram: @hangzhao28

  • A pastel drawing of a leopard.
  • A pastel drawing of a vase and several abstract objects.
  • A pastel drawing of a vase and several abstract objects.
  • A pastel drawing of a cat.
  • A pastel drawing of a dog and a chair.
  • A pastel drawing of a two cats.

spring breeze, tapestry weaving, 2023

Hannah Turner

Email: hannahdt1@outlook.com

Instagram: @hannah_turner_art

  • A suspended human figure made from chicken wire.
  • A suspended human figure made from chicken wire.
  • A suspended human figure made from chicken wire.
  • A suspended human figure made from chicken wire.

unwanted voyeur, time-lapse of a shirt drying, 2023

  • An image of a room with a pool of blood and some clothes on the floor.
  • An image of a room with a pool of blood and some clothes on the floor.
  • An image of a room with a pool of blood and some clothes on the floor.

Mengyuan Tong

Email: beckyttong@gmail.com

Instagram: @beckyttong

Website: mengyuantong.art

A painting of a figure standing, potentiality at a bus stop, facing left.
中间态/ The In-between, Spray Paint and Oil on Canvas, 2024

  • A print of a London overground seat.
  • A print of a London overground seat hung on a metal frame.
  • A print of a London overground seat hung on a metal frame.
  • A print of a London overground street hung on a metal frame.
  • A print of a London overground street hung on a metal frame.
  • A print of a London overground street hung on a metal frame.

  • Photographs capturing a ruined oil town.
  • Photographs capturing a ruined oil town.
  • Photographs capturing a ruined oil town.
  • Photographs capturing a ruined oil town.
  • Photographs capturing a ruined oil town.