Lucy Gould


Instagram: @lulu_art182

A clay sculpture on driftwood, displayed on wooden plinth against white background.
Fungal Divinity, Airdry clay on driftwood, 2023

  • Nine colourful clay sculptures on the floor surrounding a salt ring with wooden plinth in centre, against white background.
  • Nine colourful clay sculptures on the floor surrounding a salt ring with wooden plinth in centre, against white background.
  • Nine colourful clay sculptures on the floor surrounding a salt ring with wooden plinth in centre, against white background.
  • Nine colourful clay sculptures on the floor surrounding a salt ring with wooden plinth in centre, against white background.
  • Nine colourful clay sculptures on the floor surrounding a salt ring with wooden plinth in centre, against white background.

  • 2 pages of a zine and a QR code to scan to view it as a booklet.
  • 2 pages of a zine and a QR code to scan to view it as a booklet.
  • 2 pages of a zine and a QR code to scan to view it as a booklet.