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Public Feeling, Dissident Acts – Soundcloud Audios


‘Public Feelings, Dissident Acts: Dismantling Cultures of Sexual Harassment’ was a day long conference held on Monday 18th June 2018. The day introduced the findings of a British Academy funded project ‘Cultures of Consent’ by the Centre for Feminist Research, inviting dialogue on how cultures of sexual violation can exist and circulate through feelings, gestures and atmospheres that are difficult to name and act against.

Below are links to our Centre for Feminist Research Soundcloud account that has audio recordings of two of the discussions from the day:

Panel 1: ‘Curriculum, Pedagogy, Classroom’

Professor Claudia Bernard (Goldsmiths), Dr Nisha Ramayya (Poet/Queen Mary’s University), Dr Linda Stupart (Artist and Educator) and Dr Isabel Waidner (University of Roehampton)


‘Sexual Harssment and Violence in Higher Education: The Personal is Political’ 

Professor Alison Phipps (University of Sussex)

Full details of our project findings can be found on our previous post here

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