General Information Sheet

Co-creating training for social workers who work with autistic older people

Project information

Older autistic adults (aged 50+) may have a range of different needs to non-autistic people.  However, we know from existing research that there is a lack of training for social workers working with this population.

In this project, researchers at Goldsmith’s university of London, Heriot-Watt university in Edinburgh and Northumbria university in Newcastle, will be working with autistic older people to develop and design training for social workers. They will work alongside social workers and social care providers.

There will be two groups of co-researchers. Group 1, the Advisory Board, made up of two autistic older people, one social worker and one social care provider, will oversee the project. Group 2, the Community Research Panel, made up of six autistic older people, three social workers and three social care providers, will help create, evaluate, and revise the training.  The members of the groups may change over time.

There will be three phases to this project. If you are an autistic adult aged 50+, we would like you to consider taking part in this project. You may choose to take part in phase one, two or three. Please note, we may not be able to include everyone who wants, it will depend on how many are interested.

Timeline of the different phases of the project showing phase 1 Decide, phase 2 Create, phase 3 Evaluate

Contact details

If you have any questions you would like answered about the project, or for a copy of the General Information sheet, please contact:

Laura Lennuyeux-Comnene on 020 8194 0374 or by email: 

Prof Rebecca Charlton on 020 7078 5130 or by email: