Call for Papers: ​​Music to my Ears: Creative Practices in Music and Translation​

Friday, 16 May 2025

Goldsmiths, University of London



Keynote speakers:

Şebnem Susam-Saraeva

Jeremy Sams

Download the CfP (PDF file, 150KB) [revised version, new deadline 9 Feb 2025]

Call for Papers

Translation of music has a long history which spans from the translation of opera libretti to translation within popular and audiovisual cultures, via poetry set to music and musicalized fiction. Due to its complex multimodal and interdisciplinary nature, the translation of music has received little attention within the field of translation studies. Recently, however, an interdisciplinary subfield of “Translation and Music” has been emerging (Desblache 2019: 68; Greenall et al. 2021: 21–22; Rędzioch-Korkuz 2024: 66). This fascinating new area has the potential to “enrich our understanding of what translation might entail, how far its boundaries can be extended and how it relates to other forms of expression” (Susam-Saraeva 2008: 191), when translation is increasingly more at risk of being seen as a mere mechanical process in the age of AI.

One of the most important challenges that the new subfield is facing “is the fact that such studies call for a multidisciplinary approach” (Susam-Saraeva 2008: 189): it needs specific multidisciplinary expertise not easily found among translators or musicians. Seeking to shed more light on how this challenge has been creatively addressed by practitioners across various fields, this conference explores the many forms that the practice of music translation can take. In particular, we are interested in hearing from musicians and music scholars working creatively with music, words, and translation; creative writers specialising in crafting lyrics or narratives for music, and translating music to narratives; translation scholars and translators working on the practice of translating music inter-linguistically or inter-semiotically. By bringing together diverse insights, this conference aims to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations and illuminate the creative aspect of music translation.

The call for papers invites submissions of abstracts for 20-mins contributions, which can take the form of a traditional paper, or a performance, a reading, or another format of practice-research (please specify) accompanied by a theoretical discussion.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Writing or translating opera libretti, song lyrics or narratives for music
  • Composing music for fiction or words
  • Composing works which blur music and words
  • Translating poetry set to music
  • Musicalized fiction and/or its translation
  • Experimental and inter-semiotic translation of music into language or vice versa
  • Creative writing inspired by music and musicalized fiction
  • Theoretical approaches to translation and music
  • Case studies of music translations
  • Challenges and strategies in translating, composing or writing multimodal works

Please send a 250-word abstract and a 100-word bio to by 9 February 2025.  

We are offering limited travel bursaries for PGR students (£50 to £100). If you wish to apply for a bursary, please also send a 150-word description of how presenting at this conference would benefit your research or practice and why you would need a bursary. The bursaries will not cover the full costs of the participant but are meant to be a contribution towards their expenses.

Conference fee (including lunch and coffee)

  • -£10 for Trinity College Dublin, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Goldsmiths students and staff, and for all PG students
  • -£15 for other participants

The Conference is supported by a grant of the Modern Humanities Research Association and organised by Dr Arianna Autieri, Dr Alexis Bennett and Dr Richard Scott.


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