This week at the CCL: The Auto / Bio / Fiction seminar, with Lellida Marinelli and Elisa Russian

Join us on Thursday 6 February 2025 at 5.30pm UTC (London time) for the Auto / Bio / Fiction series, when our focus will be on the essay as dialogical mode of reading and thinking and on the relationship between lived experience, storytelling, and critical theory in British cultural studies. 

Lellida Marinelli, “Reading, writing, being writerly selves through essayistic practice. Deborah Levy’s trilogy on writing and Jeanette Winterson’s Art Objects


Elisa Russian, “Landscapes with Social Figures: On the Autobiographical Mode of British Cultural Studies“

For more information and to register:

We hope to see many of you there,

With best wishes from the Centre for Comparative Literature

This week at the CCL: The Auto / Bio / Fiction seminar, with Kim Adrian and Karen Ferreira-Meyers

Join us on Thursday 9 January 2025, at 5:30pm UTC (London time) for the Auto / Bio / Fiction series with writer Kim Adrian – author, among other works, of Dear Knausgaard and the memoir The Twenty-Seventh Letter of the Alphabet – and Karen Ferreira-Meyers (University of Eswatini), and critic of autofiction and autobiography. 

Kim Adrian, “On Script-Flipping Genres


Karen Ferreira-Meyers, “Unveiling Truths: The Bold Art of Women’s Autofiction”

For more information and to register:

We hope to see many of you there,

With best wishes from the Centre for Comparative Literature

This week at the CCL: The Auto / Bio / Fiction seminar, with Monica Latham and Bethany Layne

Join us on Thursday 28 November 2024, at 5:30pm UTC (London time) as the Auto / Bio / Fiction series resumes for this academic year, with biofiction specialists Monica Latham (Professor of British literature in the English Department at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy) and Bethany Layne (Senior Lecturer in English Literature at De Montfort University):

Monica Latham, “Virginia Woolf in the French Imagination”


Bethany Layne, “‘As your Queen, and as a grandmother’: Elizabeth II’s tribute to Princess Diana in two works by Peter Morgan.”

For more information and to register:

Looking forward to seeing many of you there,

Best wishes from the Centre for Comparative Literature

The CCL events are back!

Dear colleagues and friends of the Centre for Comparative Literature,

After some serious disruption due to more redundancies and restructure at Goldsmiths, we have finally been able to start planning our programme for 2024-25.

We start on 24 October at 5pm with “Methodologies in Comparative Literature: Printed and Electronic Resources, a Model from Uzbek Comparatists”, a seminar organised jointly with LINKS (the London Intercollegiate Network of Comparative Studies), hosting professor Gulnoz Khallieva, Head of the Department of World Literature at the Uzbek State University of World Languages. The seminar will take place at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies at Senate House, and online. To register, please visit the ILCS event page and click on “Book now”

We are in the process of finalising the programmes for the Auto / Bio / Fiction series, the Post-Colonial Theatre series, the Sing in Me, Muse series, and other events, including Olympoetics, which had to be postponed last year. Please look out for the announcements, and thank you for your patience!

Looking forward to seeing you soon, online or in person,

With very best wishes,

Lucia, Clare, Isobel and Marie-Claude

This week at the CCL: Auto / Bio / Fictional Graphic Narratives: A Symposium (26-27 June 2024, online)

Join us on Wednesday 26 June from 10.00am and Thursday 27 June from 9.30am (both BST/UTC+1/London Time) for Auto / Bio / Fictional Graphic Narratives: A Symposium.

Completing the 2023-24 Auto / Bio / Fiction series, this online symposium will reflect on the combination of these two forms in order to explore how auto / bio / fictional graphic narratives and comics mobilise – and may put in tension – the visual and the verbal, the individual and the collective, the historical and the fictional, the documentary and the imagined, as well as popular culture and ‘serious’ literary fiction in constructing historical lives with varying degrees of fictionality and purposes.

The Symposium will take place online. Registration is free but necessary to receive the Zoom link to attend.

For programme, abstracts and speakers’ biographies, and for a registration link, please go to:

This week at the CCL: The Auto / Bio / Fiction seminar, with Maaheen Ahmed and Elisabetta Varalda

Join us on Thursday 7 March 2024, at 5:30 UTC (London time), for the Auto / Bio / Fiction series:

Maaheen Ahmed, “Representations of children in autobiographical and autofictional graphic novels”


Elisabetta Varalda, “Virginia Woolf’s life in images and words”

For more information and to register:

Looking forward to seeing many of you there!

The Centre for Comparative Literature

This week at the CCL: The Auto / Bio / Fiction seminar, with Alexandre Gefen and Zoey Forbes

Join us on Thursday 8 February 2024, at 5:30 UTC (London time), for this month’s seminar in the Auto / Bio / Fiction series:

Alexandre Gefen, “Philosophies of biofiction”


Zoey Forbes, “‘Your Fucking Struggle?”: Karl Ove Knausgård and the limits of possessive individualism”

For more information and to register:

Looking forward to seeing many of you there,

The Centre for Comparative Literature