Events Series: Sing in me, Muse: The Classical, the Critical, and the Creative

A Series of talks, workshops, readings, discussions on the social, political and cultural relevance of the classics to our times.

Convened by Isobel Hurst and Lucia Boldrini

Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry. Source: New York Public Library,

This series of Classical Reception Studies events, which started in Autumn 2022, brings together scholars and students from a variety of disciplines with creative writers and other artists, to examine how the literary and material cultures of ancient Greece, the Near East and Rome have been adapted and rewritten at later times and other places.

The series will include talks, readings by creative writers, critical and creative workshops, and roundtable discussions.

Some of the events will be in person, and some online (or both) and several will combine with other events of the CCL or of other research centres at Goldsmiths.

To see the previous years’ programmes and watch the video recordings of the seminars click on the following links:

The 2023-24 programme;

The 2022-23 programme.


Programme, 2024-25

Olympoetics: Bodies, Minds, Athletics and Aesthetics, 12 February 2025, from 5pm (in person)

A creative & critical soirée, jointly organised in collaboration with the Goldsmiths Writers’ Centre.

The evening will start with a talk on ‘Olympoesis: Revisiting Public Poetry at the 2012 London Games’ by Dr Michael Simpson, Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow at the CCL, and will be followed by readings and/or performances of creative writing, in poetry or prose.

The event will be in person only. Click on the title for more information. No need to book.


Other events will be announced in due course

The Organisers

Isobel Hurst’s research examines the reception of Greek and Latin literature in English, looking at the connection between classical education and authorship and women writers’ creative engagement with the classical tradition. She is the author of Victorian Women Writers and the Classics: The Feminine of Homer (2006) and has published essays in the Oxford Handbook of Victorian Poetry (2013) and the Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature (2015). Her work on contemporary women writers and the classics appears in Living Classics: Greece and Rome in Contemporary Poetry in English (2009), the Classical Receptions Journal and Homer’s Daughters: Women’s Responses to Homer in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (2019).

Lucia Boldrini is Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature, Director of the CCL and Honorary Professor of Comparative Literature at University College London. Her research interests include fictional biography and autobiography; Joyce, Dante and modernist medievalism; comparative literature; and literature on and from the Mediterranean area. Among her books: Autobiographies of Others: Historical Subjects and Literary Fiction (Routledge, 2012); Joyce, Dante, and the Poetics of Literary Relations (CUP, 2001); and as editor, Experiments in Life-Writing: Intersections of Auto/Biography and Fiction, with Julia Novak (Palgrave, 2017). She is a member of the Academia Europaea, and President of the International Comparative Literature Association (2022-25).