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How can teachers make their classrooms more creative? Five marvellous ideas…

It is June 15th 2024, and the weather is unseasonably cold and rainy outside, as the MA Creative Writing and Education students share some of their wonderful teaching ideas for fostering creativity during our ‘Creative Writing Retreat’ away day.

As the day moved on, I noticed that there are some key pedagogical approaches which really do nurture creativity.

Use fantasy and role play

One student, M., propelled us into a rocket ship and took us to Mars, helping us imagine that we were encountering aliens on the red planet. Her pedagogical approach involved using lights, poetry and questioning to support our imaginations in taking us away to this faraway planet. She had devised this set of lessons so that she could teach her primary school pupils more about writing creatively.

One of the exercises was to freewrite about leaving the earth behind. This is what I wrote:

It feels like being lifted above everything, it gives me a sense of perspective, I leave my ego behind, Francis Jonathan Gilbert is gone, and I am awareness, part of everything, transcending time and space, I am part of the little blue dot, the oceans, the trees, the plants, the bees, the buildings, the ice caps, the tropics, the jungles, everything has become poignant, fragile, but also everlasting, my being spreads to become the whole of the universe, I am the moon, the stars, the galaxies, the beginning of time, the Gods and God, I am everything, I am nature, I am Solaris, shifting mirages of images of my life, and everything one else’s, I am the universe’s dreams.

Foster metacognition through creative visualisation

One student required us to personify the things that block our creative impulses.  Participants in her workshop were asked to draw these personifications. Here are two to look at:

A personification of Perfectionism, with her large bag which has to carry everything that will make her perfect.

A personification of procrastination.

This activity is very metacognitive because it requires you to think about your thinking processes (metacognition is thinking about thinking). But unlike many metacognitive activities, such as target and goal setting, it is very creative, requiring people to turn their thought processes into analogies. The underlying educational theory here is that this kind of creative metacognitive activity can enable people to understand better what their blocks to writing are, become aware of them, and then use this information as a first step to solving the problem of becoming blocked.

Understand how one’s identities shape and mould you as a writer and learner

One student, Denise, asked us all to think very carefully about our different writing identities: how we have changed over time, the different personas we present to different audiences. She focused upon how her rebellion against a teacher at school fostered a new voice in her. Here is a video which explains this incident:

Use different art forms

Another workshop used drawings and writing to help participants access their memories and unleash new forms of creativity. We began the workshop by painting lines on pieces of paper:

Then we wrote above, below and around these painted lines, using memories we had. Here is my effort, drawing upon memories of being in Parkland Walk.

My combined poem, art piece.

This process then led us to read our work in different ways, vertically, from right to left, backwards, upside down etc, and then create our own story/poem/art work from this reading.

My freewritten poem based on my drawing/poem.

For me, this process was liberatory, because it freed me to think about a particular space I love in a different way: the wildlife sanctuary of Parkland Walk .The concept of ‘ancient hospitality’ became important to me, this idea was new to me. For me, it involves the trees and plants of Parkland Walk, which I have many happy memories of walking and running and cycling along. Some of the trees are old, and even the plants, although new each year, have a long lineages, dating back possibly a hundred years or more. The phrase made me think of the caring, compassionate nature of the ecology of Parkland Walk.

I wrote this concept ‘ancient hospitality’ on the board that the student asked us to make ‘etchings’ into. This board represented all our collective imaginings:


Write in different forms and for different audiences

Another workshop involved participants writing letters to different audiences. Her pedagogical ideas were very creative. In the scheme she has devised, this has involved writing letters to:

an animal,

oneself in the past,

a deceased person,

a complaint letter,

from a particular place,

responses to these letters

Another workshop involved students learning about bullying, and then writing a group play about a situation which involved bullying. The form of the play worked well in this session, particularly when participants started to improvise around the theme of bullying, using the scenario they had been given as a guideline. This then led to a fascinating discussion about the nature of bullying, and the issues with improvising a play of this sort. Participants agreed that it was easy to improvise being bullies and using bullying language, but difficult to speak as an ‘active bystander’.

Both these workshops show how writing and improvising for different audiences can be very inspiring and motivating, because you feel you are talking about real issues and speaking to real audiences.

A participant in the workshop, Arlene said of the day: ‘First, I feel inspired in class. The workshop makes me feel more confident. And also, it helps me to know better about myself, especially my disadvantage in language learning. All in all, I enjoyed it very much.’



What is the impact of the Parklife Project? A special report from Blue Gate Fields Primary School

It is June 14th 2024, and I am listening to the School Council of Blue Gate Fields Primary School practise their speeches in readiness to advocate for change in their local park. They have been working with the environmental charity GenEarth (formerly Volunteers for Future) and advocacy charity I Have a Voice for past few months using the Parklife research methodology . This has meant they have researched their local park in creative and more traditional ways, and used their creative outputs (such as poems/art/photographs/sculptures) to advocate for ways their park could be improved. Now, today, they are going to give speeches to their local councillor about what they would like to see in their local parks, of which there are a few: King Edward Park, St George’s Park, and Wapping Woods.

The students’ creative work

I am surrounded by the work they have done for the Parklife Project. Here you can see a sample:

Students’ advocacy for less litter in the park.

Students talking about how they would like the pond in Wapping Woods to contain less algae and more fish.

Students asking for a football pitch to be put into Wapping Woods.

Students group sculptures and poems about their dream park.

Students’ sculptures of their dream parks.

Students’ dream parks which they devised in groups.

Students’ views of the Parklife Project

I spoke to the pupils who were all very enthusiastic about the Parklife project. It had certainly changed their views about parks, and their interest in trying to improve them. Liban, Year 5,  told me: ‘I have become more interested in parks because of the Parklife project. I have become interested in: making the parks more beautiful for people. When I grow up, I might make a park of my own. I liked looking at the three parks where we went, Wapping Woods, King Edward Park, and St George’s. My favourite thing to do was writing poems and then making my own model park out of clay. My poems are now on display for everyone, including the councillor to see.’

Najifah, Year 5, told me: ‘I enjoyed it when we visited the parks which were clean, such as King Edward’s park. I enjoyed making a sculpture of our dream park, we did this in a group. We made the sculpture after planning out and thinking what our dream park would be. I am more interested in parks than I was before this project, I am particularly interested in how we might stop so much litter being dropped in the park.’

Councillor Hossain with Rebecca Deegan from I Have a Voice with Hiba, a school governor sitting behind them.

Councillor Iqbal Hossain introduced himself to the children, explaining how he emigrated from Bangladesh as a young man, and became an English as an Additional Language teacher in Tower Hamlets’ schools helping Bangladeshi children to communicate in English before becoming a Tower Hamlets’ councillor in May 2022. He then listened to the children’s presentations about what they would like for their local parks.

The students’ speeches and councillor’s response

The students talked about what they would like for their local park in Wapping Woods, which included:

  • Less litter
  • More and/or better cleaners/litter pickers for the park
  • A pond with colourful fishes and ducks, cleaner water
  • Greater safety in the park
  • A football pitch
  • An abstract play area which could include some ‘fantasy’ objects such as volcanoes

Of particular power was a poem recited by heart by Mariam:

Mariam’s poem about her local park which she recited from memory.

After the students’ speeches, Councillor Hossain thanked the students, and said that he felt the children were more powerful than us, contrary to what I said in my introduction, where I said the Councillor was a powerful person who could take action if he was minded to do so. Councillor Hossain agreed that the students’ concerns were valid. He pointed out that parks are important for improving people’s mental and physical health. He admitted that the borough is not the cleanest borough in London, but pointed out the council is planting more trees in the area, which will help with producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. He talked about the £3m renovations happening in King Edward Park, which will include making a new football pitch, tennis courts, a cafe and toilets and the council’s new policy of making it free for women to swim who are older than sixteen . He said that he will collected all the students’ questions, and respond in writing, and he will seek to address the students’ concerns as best he can by liaising with other councillor members.

The students had plenty of questions and comments for the Councillor, including suggesting that people should be fined for dropping litter (a point the councillor agreed with). The governors of the school who were attending were also very impressed with their children’s speeches and work.


I asked the students whether the project had changed their attitudes and views about park. One student talked about how the project had made her look more closely at what was going on in her local park. Another student said that she felt a ‘little more powerful’ as a result of the project.

The councillor asked the children if we created a volunteer group for looking after the park, would you sign up? Lots of children put their hands up.

Nasima Khanom, teacher-governor, said: ‘The project clearly has had a big effect on the children, it’s made them really passionate about not just the park but their local area. They have had a chance to go out into the local area, talk to the public, and learn about what other people want as well as themselves. It has taught them about local democracy, and how to change things for the better, even in small ways. I’m really glad that councillor Hossain was able to attend as well as other governors, which shows all of us that the children’s voices are being heard, and not just within the bubble of the school. To see how their voices are valued in the wider community is great for the children.’

Teacher at the school and postgraduate on the MA Creative Writing and Education, Maya said: ‘It has been important for the school councillors to gain an understanding of their role in creating change for the better in the community, and how the school council is linked to the actual council. It’s given the pupils a sense of agency and hope.’

Councillor Hossain said: ‘It is great that the children have learnt that their voices count, and it has empowered the children to take a leading role in making changes for the better in their community. I really enjoyed the morning, and was pleased to see the wonderful ideas to improve their local parks.’

We ended the session with many of the students and teachers agreeing that a next step could be a campaign to make a volunteer group to improve the local parks, particularly with regard to their cleanliness.

By Dr Francis Gilbert, Principal Investigator, The Parklife Project

Dive into the BA (Hons) Programme at Goldsmiths, University of London 

The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, offers a distinctive and transformative educational experience. Situated in the vibrant cultural hub of New Cross, Goldsmiths is renowned for its innovative approach to education, fostering creativity and critical thinking in a supportive environment. This three-year programme is meticulously designed to equip students with the theoretical grounding and practical skills necessary to navigate and shape the world of education today. 

Year One: Building a Strong Foundation 

The first year of the BA (Hons) programme serves as an introductory phase, providing a broad overview of educational studies. The goal is to establish a solid theoretical foundation, enabling students to critically engage with contemporary educational issues. Key topics covered include: 

  • Inclusion and Exclusion: Understanding the dynamics of social class, opportunities, and aspirations. 
  • International Education: Exploring global perspectives and gender issues in early childhood. 
  • Social Justice: Discussing institutional racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, and special educational needs. 

During this year, students are introduced to the university environment, learning how to read academic texts, produce essays, and deliver presentations. The curriculum consists of four core modules, with the pivotal foundational module, ‘Culture and Identity’, introducing students to essential theoretical principles. This module lays the groundwork for future studies and potential careers in social activism, the charity sector, social work, or journalism. 

Year Two: Specialization and Research Skills 

In the second year, students begin to specialize by choosing optional modules alongside their core studies. This flexibility allows them to tailor their education to their interests and career aspirations. A significant core module in this year is ‘Introduction to Social and Cultural Research’ which provides essential training in academic research methodologies. 

Optional modules available in the second year include: 

  • Uncovering Youth Educational Inequalities 
  • Early Childhood in a Diverse Society 
  • Comparative and International Education 

These choices enable students to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, preparing them for diverse career paths. 

Year Three: Advanced Studies and Practical Experience 

The final year combines advanced core modules with optional modules, allowing students to refine their expertise. One of the core modules is the dissertation, an independent research project that builds on the research skills acquired in the second year. The second core module, ‘Learning in the Community’, includes a short placement, offering practical experience in various settings such as nurseries, community organizations, and charities. 

Year three optional modules include: 

  • Special Educational Needs 
  • Policy and Practice in Early Childhood Education 
  • Race and Representation 
  • Debates in Primary Education 

These modules enable students to deepen their knowledge and prepare for careers in education, social work, policy-making, and more. 

A Diverse and Stimulating Learning Environment 

What sets the BA (Hons) programme at Goldsmiths apart is its diverse teaching staff, who bring a wealth of experiences and cultural perspectives to the classroom. This diversity enriches the learning environment, encouraging students to think beyond their comfort zones and adopt new ways of seeing the world. Goldsmiths’ commitment to social justice and inclusion ensures that graduates are not only well-educated but also equipped to make meaningful contributions to society. 


The BA (Hons) programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, is more than just a degree; it is a journey of intellectual growth and personal development. With its comprehensive curriculum, diverse teaching staff, and emphasis on 

critical thinking and social justice, this programme prepares students to become thoughtful and impactful leaders in the field of education. Whether your passion lies in early childhood education, social activism, or academic research, Goldsmiths provides the tools and opportunities to help you succeed and make a difference in the world. 

Embark on a transformative educational journey with the BA (Hons) programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, and discover a world of possibilities where your ideas and aspirations can truly flourish. 


Four reasons we should all learn about Green Careers (+ some top job hunting tips!)

Joe Simms, Louise Krupski, Bilvalyn Asamoah all talking at the Green Careers Day at Goldsmiths.

Councillor Louise Krupski, Deputy Mayor of Lewisham and responsible for the Environment, Transport and Climate Action in the Borough, offers this top tip to the schools who are attending a Green Careers’ Event at Goldsmiths. She urges everyone to find out the real truth about what is going on with the environment. She says, ‘There’s a backlash at the moment against climate activism, but let’s be in no doubt, we face a climate emergency, and one way of addressing it is by getting as many young people as we can involved in green careers.’

Her belief in the importance of green careers is echoed by other people on the panel, who include the new Young Mayor of Lewisham, Bilvilyn Asamoah,13, Joe Simms from RAFT, a social enterprise which retro-fits housing so it’s environmentally friendly, and performance poet and youth advocate Laila Sumpton. The panel is the culmination of a day where pupils and teachers at schools local to Goldsmiths, academics, museums, business people, and local government workers have come together to explore and learn about what green careers involve. There are a number of lessons we all learned throughout the day. Here’s my summing up of them.

Many careers now have a green element

Marta Martinez, the Head of Business Decarbonisation at West London Business, where she manages the Green Business Action programme, gave an engaging keynote speech about the work she does with small businesses to decarbonise their work. She pointed out that there are many careers now that had to have a green element. She cited as a great example, a small fashion business, who sourced materials from the leading fashion brands so that their ‘cast-offs’ didn’t go to waste. She pointed out that every business needs to consider how they use their energy efficiently, how they might cut the environmental impact of their supply chain, how they might encourage their employees to travel to and from work sustainability.

Other speakers during the day amplified upon this point. Carole Destre, the Climate & Ecological Coordinator at Horniman Museum and Gardens, spoke powerfully about the work she does so that museum considers how its energy use might be decarbonised to save the environment and costs, which can amount to hundreds of thousands of pounds a year. She emphasized the importance of collaboration, saying: ‘I cannot achieve anything by myself in my role and the goals are only achievable if every one else in their respective position plays ball and puts in place the changes needed.  At every level. So as Marta said every career could be green, the light green, pending on the choices we make.’

Joe Simms at RAFT enumerated the skills shortage that there is in the construction industry because not enough people are qualified to ‘retro-fit’ housing with more energy efficient heating systems and insulation.

Laila Sumpton pointed out that everyone in the arts and culture sector has to consider the climate emergency in the work they do in some way or other because it’s such a burning issue on many levels: politically, culturally, financially and, of course, environmentally.

Green careers are a positive way forward

What was fascinating about the day was the way in which the day was a really positive experience. Everyone came together to share their expertise and problem-solve. As Marta had pointed out, one of the problems about the climate debate is that it causes a great deal of anxiety amongst people, and this switches them off actually doing anything. But at this Green Careers Day, there were a lot of solutions which involve helping young people understand the  opportunities that there are to problem-solve. Laila asked everyone to think about what activism involves and how they might get involved in changing the world for the better, even on a small level.

The Young Mayor Bilvalyn also spoke very eloquently about the need for young people to do the so-called ‘small’ things right: to pick up litter, to avoid getting into fights, to be kind to other people and themselves. In such a way, she outlined the values and aims of working with a green mindset: ultimately it’s about being kind to yourself and the environment.

All our homes, places of work and outdoor spaces need a green re-think

Laila Sumpton lead an interactive workshop about the Parklife Project I have been the principal investigator of for the last three years. We have learnt during this project that getting young people to use creative methods to research their local parks has been particularly effective. We’ve encouraged them to write poems, draw pictures, take photographs and make films about their local parks in order to learn more about them, and consider how they might be improved. Laila asked one workshop group from Forest Hill school, 13-14 year olds, to write ‘recipe’ poems about the park. Here’s is one of the poems written on the grid Laila devised for the session:

As you can see the poem advocates for there to be more activities in the park, such as basketball, a skate park, a café, shade and trees, a kid’s playground, and air conditioned shelters. The aim here was to get young people creatively devising their own visions of how a new future might work, re-envisioning their local green spaces.

Tania Jennings, the Net Zero Carbon Manager at Lewisham,  helpfully noted that ‘green means clean’, and listed this key issues that we as a society must address:

  • Electric heating, not gas boilers
  • Locally grown food, not global agriculture
  • Natural fibre insulation, not petroleum-based
  • Renewable energy, not coal and oil
  • Electric cars & active travel, not petrol cars
  • Circular Economy, not single use & trash

All of this means re-thinking where we live, work and play. Green careers will play a major role in reshaping how we live, work and play in lots of different ways.


Green careers are a growth area

Tania Jennings pointed out that over one in ten Londoners will work in the green sector in 2050, listing these jobs as being needed:

  • Electrical Vehicle Technician –Maintains & Manages EV Parts & Charging Stations
  • Renewable Energy Installer –Installs and maintains Solar PV, Wind, and Wave technology
  • Environmental Engineer –Developing Efficient & Cost Saving Renewable Technologies
  • Waste Worker –Keeping Our Communities Clean & Safe from Harmful Waste
  • Urban Planner –Designing Better Spaces for our Towns/Cities
  • Landscape Artist –Installing Green Walls to Buildings to Help Improve Air Quality
  • Conservation Officer –Preserves & Cares for Natural Habitats
  • Greywater Engineer –Designs Water recycling systems for buildings, including homes
  • Retrofit Coordinator –Manages Retrofit projects from Assessment to completion
  • Sustainable Fashion Designer –Uses recycled and locally produced fabrics
  • Sustainable Delivery –Uses Cargo Bikes or Electric Vehicles to deliver materials
  • Sustainable Farming –Includes urban farming, reducing the embodied carbon in food growth


Throughout the day, we learnt about how all of our major work sectors, from the arts/culture, education to business and construction all will need to embrace a green mindset, with many jobs involving people considering how to reduce our carbon footprint in sustainable, creative and exciting ways.

Dr Francis Gilbert, Head of Mas in Educational Studies, MA Creative Writing and Education, Academic Co-Director of the Connected Curriculum and Principal Investigator on the Parklife Project, Goldsmiths University.


Huge thanks to the participating schools (Forest Hill and Christ the King), Victoria Willis, Schools Climate Network Co-ordinator at Lewisham, Megan Bastable of the Widening Participation Team at Goldsmiths, and Eleanor Hamblen, Schools’ Learning Officer, for organising and running this day so well.



Elena Draganova, Employment and Training Advisor at Lewisham Council, ran a successful CV writing workshop on the Green Careers Day, offering this advice.

Top tips & links for getting ahead in the jobs market

Job Searching:

Student Work: Save the Student – Guides and resources specifically for students looking for part-time or summer jobs.

E4S ( – Connects students with employers in various sectors. – For those interested in hospitality careers.

Milkround ( – Focuses on graduate jobs and internships.

Indeed ( – General job search engine with a wide range of opportunities.


Crafting a Great CV:

Free CV Builders:

Canva (Free CV Maker: Create professional CVs online – Canva) – Easy-to-use platform with creative templates.

Reed ( – Build a professional CV with expert guidance.

CV-Library ( – Streamline the CV creation process.


CV Writing Video Tutorial: YouTube – A helpful video guide to walk them through writing a strong CV.

Job Profile Exploration:

Prospects ( – Explore different career paths and learn about specific job roles.

Bonus Resource:

Barclays Life Skills ( – Free online programme offering resources on employability and financial education.


Devised by Elena Draganova

Employment & Training Advisor

Economy, Jobs and Skills Team | Lewisham Council


Social Justice and Education: why exploring ‘difficult’ and ‘messy’ questions matters

“Education does not transform the World. Education changes people.
People Change the World”
– Paulo Freire

Whether in the streets of London, primary schools in Nairobi or universities in Santiago, we witness and experience the impact of social injustices almost every day. We know that different people experience complex crises differently: from ongoing conflicts and anti-gender movements to racial inequalities and the climate emergency. There are of course geographical differences. For example, the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report found that while the out-of-school population fell by just 9 million globally, it increased in sub-Saharan Africa by 12 million. According to the United Nations, ‘inequity is perhaps the most serious problem in education worldwide’.

At Goldsmiths’ Educational Studies, we delve into the impact of these various issues on education and simultaneously explore how education might provide solutions. Through our new MA Social Justice in Education, we explore ‘difficult’ and ‘messy’ questions such as: what is the role of teaching and learning in struggles towards social justice? How can education in diverse learning spaces (schools, universities, civil societies, museums) help us understand what social justice is and how to ‘get there’? How can we make classrooms more inclusive of and a safe space for diverse identities, languages and cultures?

While there is, of course, no single answer to these questions, take inspiration from the above words of Brazilian educator and revolutionary Paulo Freire. We believe that it is through people engaging in critical conversations that spark new ideas, consider new solutions, and potentially, ‘change the world’. In this MA programme, you will draw from your own professional and personal experiences, whether you are a primary school teacher, a school leader, a charity worker, a community facilitator, a museum practitioner or simply someone passionate about education. Through engaging with these difficult questions, you will have the opportunity to contribute to meaningful discussions and broaden your perspectives.

We believe that it is through people engaging in critical conversations that spark new ideas, consider new solutions, and potentially, ‘change the world’.

In this MA programme, we don’t only understand and identify issues but also explore existing initiatives from different parts of the world and how they address these challenges. We have sessions, for instance, that look at the role of language in bringing diverse communities together. We also engage in conversations with student activists who have successfully lobbied for policy change in their communities. The teaching team in this programme bring years of research and teaching experience in areas such as race and education, gender, language and global education and policy.

While we look at current research, we also learn from examples shared by our students. Many students have been catalysts for change in the schools they lead, in the movements they participate in and the initiatives that they spearhead. Following the course, some have pursued further studies, some taking up leadership position in their schools and some have worked on their government ministries.

The pursuit of social justice in education is complex and requires people from different professions and disciplines to come together. Our MA in Education, Culture, Language and Identity (soon to be MA in Social Justice in Education) offers a space for critical dialogue with like-minded peers and teachers. Join us in this journey as we continue to learn, question and advocate for a more just and inclusive society!

Written by Chris Millora and Veronica Poku


More about our MA Social Justice in Education.

More about Dr Veronica Poku’s (Head of Programme) research and teaching.

More about Dr Chris Millora’s research and teaching.

Book a one-to-one chat with Dr Chris Millora about the MA programme here.

Unleash Your Potential: Why You Should Pursue a BA Degree (Hons) at Goldsmiths, University of London

Embarking on the journey of higher education is a monumental step in shaping your future. And choosing the right university can make all the difference. If you’re considering pursuing a BA (Hons) degree in Education, Goldsmiths, University of London, stands out as a landmark of opportunity and innovation. Here’s why you should seize the chance to study at Goldsmiths: 

Goldsmiths has a rich history of academic excellence dating back to its founding in 1891. Over the years, it has cultivated a reputation for nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and academic rigor. With a commitment to pushing boundaries and challenging conventions, Goldsmiths continues to set the standard for excellence in higher education. 

At Goldsmiths, you’ll become part of a vibrant academic community that thrives on diversity, creativity, and collaboration. As a student of Education, you’ll find a supportive network of peers and mentors who share your passion for learning and discovery. The exchange of ideas and perspectives will enrich your educational experience and broaden your horizons. 

One of the hallmarks of a Goldsmiths education is its distinguished academic staff. Comprised of accomplished scholars, artists, and professionals, the Department of Education brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the classroom. They are not only leaders in their respective fields but also dedicated mentors who are committed to nurturing the next generation of thinkers and innovators. 

Located in the heart of London, Goldsmiths offers unparalleled access to one of the world’s most dynamic and culturally rich cities. London is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and opportunities, providing a stimulating environment for intellectual growth and personal development. From world-class museums and galleries to cutting-edge industries and vibrant neighborhoods, London becomes your extended campus, offering endless possibilities for exploration and experiential learning. 

Goldsmiths is known for its interdisciplinary approach to learning, encouraging students to explore connections across different fields of study. Whether you’re combining art and education, politics and education, or technology and education, you’ll find course material that will speak to your unique interests and career aspirations. This interdisciplinary perspective fosters creativity, innovation, and adaptability, preparing you for success in a rapidly changing world. 

In conclusion, pursuing a BA degree at Goldsmiths, University of London, is more than just an academic endeavour—it’s a transformative journey of personal growth, intellectual discovery, and professional development. With its legacy of excellence, vibrant academic community, world-class faculty, London location, and interdisciplinary approach, Goldsmiths offers an unparalleled educational experience that prepares you to thrive in an ever-changing world.  

So why wait? Seize the opportunity to unleash your potential at Goldsmiths and embark on a journey that will shape your future. 


Written by Dr Amina Shareef. April 2024.

Learn more about Dr Amina Shareef’s teaching and research.

Learn more about the Staff at the Educational Studies Department.

Learn more about BA Education at Goldsmiths.


How do I become a better writer? How do I become a better teacher of creative writing? Podcast with Ardu Vakil

Ardu Vakil, Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, and co-founder of the MA Creative Writing and Education along with Professor Vicky Macleroy, talks about the factors that lead people to become better writers and better teachers of creative writing in this video podcast. He is interviewed by Dr Francis Gilbert, currently Head of the MA Creative Writing and Education.

No language left behind; no student left behind

Last time I flew into the UK from my hometown I had a revelation. It was the first time I heard my mother-tongue spoken through the plane tannoy. I cannot tell you how elated I was. After over 20 years of shuttling between Barcelona and London, it was the first time my language, Catalan, was used by the usual formal welcome of the pilot and their technical account of the flight path, the weather conditions to be encountered, and the duration of the flight. My mother tongue, the intimate, personal language that had accompanied me through the early part of my life, had suddenly made it big. My heart filled with joy, my language suddenly connected with the privileged aerospace realm, and its beautiful tinted blue skies and sea of clouds. I wanted to get up and give a huge hug to the pilot to show my infinite gratitude for the bravery of including my language, a minority language, in his announcement. I felt visible and validated. It was at this moment that I fully realised how linguistically deprived, and how different my relationship with my mother tongue was to those of monolingual speakers of English or Spanish. Whilst in my life-time Catalan had so far travelled hidden from view and unheard, it finally travelled first class.

In the Department of Educational Studies, we welcome and value students’ linguistic and cultural baggage and their knowledges and ways of viewing the world so that they travel comfortably in their educational journeys. We acknowledge that languages other than English do not just belong to the community or to first generations of migrants, but we consider languages as a key aspect of lived experience, that we take with us wherever we go, as a shell on our backs. In the Department of Educational Studies, we welcome and value students’ linguistic funds of knowledge and their cultural diversity.  

 In our MA in Education, Culture and Identity, students’ language repertoires are seen as deeply entangled and in connection with people, spaces, and materiality, whilst acknowledging the power of inequalities permeating their use. Given that in the UK approximately a third of students speak another language at home in addition to English, adopting a linguistically and culturally inclusive and socially equitable approach to languages and language education is key. One of the aims of this MA is to counter monolingual ideologies and approaches to education that see the English as an Additional Language (EAL) student as deficient. Honouring a considerable amount of research into literacy, bilingualism, and intercultural communication, we start from the premise that students and their linguistic diversity bring a wealth of experiences and cultural capital to the learning process. We believe that languages and the linguistic and cultural diversity of the student population should not only be valued for the functional skills, the cognitive benefits and social mobility they bring, but also for other equally important social, creative and compassionate benefits. By valuing students’ languages and their cultures, we not only help decolonise teacher’s knowledge and minds, and diversify ways of seeing, but we promote fundamental human qualities both in teachers and learners such as empathy, hospitality, and care for others, whatever their linguistic background.

 When you come to the Department of Educational Studies your languages and those of your students will be valued and harnessed as vital parts of one’s identity and ways of being in the world. Such an approach is guaranteed to facilitate speedy boarding next time you embark on a new linguistic and cultural adventure. In acknowledging languages and cultures as alternative and genuine resources for knowledge in your future teaching career, no language will be left behind, and no child will be travelling to school without their languages and cultures neatly packed in their school bag.

By Cristina Ros Sole,

MAs in the Department of Educational Studies which you might be interested in are:

MA Education: Culture Language and Identity, soon to be MA in Social Justice

The MA Education: Culture, Language and Identity has been developed into the MA Social Justice in Education (new from September 2024). We build very much upon the strong and popular basis that is the MA Education: Culture, Language and Identity drawing upon the expertise of talented and knowledgeable academics. This programme is designed for you if you are interested in how questions around social justice impact upon education as well as lived aspects of our lives. In part, this new MA  aims to address issues faced by those in informal learning contexts as well as formal educators at all levels, international settings and related fields.

You can find full details about this very popular MA on the website here:

MA Children’s Literature

You can find full details about this very popular MA on the website here:

MA Children’s Literature: Illustration Pathway

You can find full details about this very popular MA on the website here:

MA Arts and Learning

You can find full details about this very popular MA on the website here:

MA Multilingualism, Linguistics and Education

You can find full details about this very popular MA on the website here:

MA in Creative Writing and Education

You can learn more about the MA in Creative Writing and Education here. 

Producing a dissertation in the department of Educational Studies will change your life!

In our BA (Hons) Education programme, our students write an undergraduate dissertation.

Embarking on the journey of an undergraduate dissertation may seem daunting at first, yet it is a transformative experience that holds immense value. Beyond the requirement for academic fulfilment, undertaking a dissertation offers a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the classroom.

Firstly, it fosters independent thinking and research skills. Unlike regular coursework, a dissertation demands self-initiative, critical analysis, and problem-solving abilities. Students are tasked with formulating research questions, gathering data, and drawing conclusions, all of which cultivate intellectual autonomy and confidence.

Moreover, a dissertation provides an opportunity for in-depth exploration of a subject of personal interest. It allows students to delve into areas they are passionate about, enabling them to become experts in their chosen field. This depth of understanding not only enhances academic knowledge but also prepares individuals for future careers or further study.

Furthermore, the process of conducting research and writing a dissertation hones a range of transferable skills highly sought after by employers. These include time management, organization, communication, and the ability to work independently under pressure. Such skills are invaluable in today’s competitive job market, positioning graduates as adaptable and capable individuals.

Additionally, completing an undergraduate dissertation instils a sense of accomplishment and pride. It signifies the culmination of years of study and demonstrates perseverance and dedication. This achievement can boost self-esteem and provide a solid foundation for future academic or professional endeavours.

This is why joining our BA (Hons) Education programme holds out the promise of academic growth, equipping students with essential skills, preparing them for success in their chosen paths.

Our BA (Hons) Education programme is a gateway to great personal and intellectual development.

See you around the Department!

Written by Dr Amina Shareef. March 2024

Learn more about Dr Amina Shareef’s teaching and research.

Learn more about the Staff at the Educational Studies Department.

Learn more about BA Education at Goldsmiths.

‘I need you to jump out of your seat and go plant more flowers!’ What do primary school children in Lambeth want for their local parks?

It’s a cold, rainy morning outside Hillmead Primary School, but inside their assembly hall, the Year 3/4 (8-9 year olds) pupils are happy and engaged. Some of their classmates are delivering speeches about what they want from their local parks to three Lambeth councilors:

  • Councillor Rezina Chowdhury – Deputy Leader of Lambeth Council and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, Ward –
  • Councillor Donatus Anyanwu – Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Leisure and Sport, Ward – Brixton Windrush – Streatham Hill East
  • Councillor Scarlett O’Hara – Ward – Brixton Windrush

They’ve been assisted in researching their local park – Brockwell Park – by their teachers and Goldsmiths’ research partners and the “Soak Up Lambeth” Team at Lambeth Council. They have turned their research into powerful resources, including pictures of their perfect parks, leaflets to promote their ideas and persuasive speeches to convince their council to take action. The whole Parklife project is part of research set up by myself at Goldsmiths in 2022 from Strategic Funding from the Goldsmiths’ Research office and British Academy SHAPE funding. This academic year, 2023-2024, SHAPE funding has been used to support work in primary schools led by:

  • Laura Dempsey, founder of Volunteers for Future who deliver action-led climate programmes that equip young people with the skills, tools and confidence to build a better future for all
  • Rebecca Deegan, founder of I Have a Voice, an organisation which helps young people advocate for change.

Building on our previous Parklife project at John Donne Primary School, Laura and Rebecca have worked intensively with primary schools in Lambeth and Tower Hamlets to produce a ‘Parklife Toolkit’ which will enable primary schools and community groups working with young children to encourage them to become creative researchers into their local parks. Approximately 60 Year 3/4 pupils conducted research into Brockwell Park by visiting it, making observations about it, interviewing park users, and producing creative responses to the parks. In particular, they were encouraged to draw and label their perfect park:


The pupils also wrote speeches for their local councillors about how they would like Brockwell Park to be improved. Four key points emerged from their lively, entertaining speeches:

More wildlife areas. Many of the speeches outlined the pupils’ desire for Brockwell Park to become more of an ecological haven for animals, birds, bees, insects, and for plants and trees. One pupil memorably looked the councillors in the eye, and said, ‘I need you to jump out of your seat and go plant more flowers!’

  • Greater safety. The speeches often spoke about the pupils’ fear of dogs in the park. Many speeches asked for dog-free zones and/or designated areas for dogs.
  • Greater accessibility. Pupils wanted better access for wheelchair users in the park, and for people with mobility issues.
  • More facilities for playing. Many of the speeches spoke about the need for more sports facilities in the park, and for the existing areas of the park not to be flooded when it rains so children can play there easily.

The councillors were all very impressed with what the pupils said, and invited a group to go and speak at the full council meeting when it is in session.

Cllr Chowdhury, cabinet member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, said: “The pupils at Hill Mead Primary School have been working incredibly hard to think about how they could suggest actual improvements to Brockwell Park. “They had three clear suggestions for us: create more biodiversity and habitats for wildlife, have separate places for people to play and walk their dogs, and to introduce more drainage to stop the park getting too muddy when it rains heavily. Their work was truly impressive, and they were really interested in how Brockwell Park can be improved by introducing measures to prevent flooding or what we can do to support the wildlife who live there. We will keep the pupils’ work in mind when we consider further enhancements to Brockwell Park and we really value their contribution.”

You can read more about this event on Lambeth’s website: Hill Mead Primary students pitch their Brockwell Park improvement ideas   – Hill Mead Primary students pitch their Brockwell Park improvement ideas   – Love LambethLove Lambeth