
Anisha Jackson

Anisha Jackson (she/her) is a BA graduate from the University of East Anglia. She is in her final year at Goldsmiths, University of London. She mostly writes about Nepal, food, how strange it is to be human, and lesbian love. Her poetry appears in various places online, and she is also (gradually) working on a novel.

You can find her on Instagram and Twitter @thisisjackson_


What are people finding in the mud when the tide goes out?

Yanking out

the bodies

of worms

for the bodies

of fish

could be that

we’re all



the lines

that tie us

to hooks

Do as I say, not as I do

My mum wrote on a post-it note

and left it on one of her good pans.

‘This is not for poaching eggs!

You know who you are!’

The notes are so commanding,

I think if there were burglaries

nearby, she could stick one on the TV:

‘Please don’t take this,

but help yourself to the mess in the garage.’

We’d wake up with a whole room

to spare, and we’d still have our

Saturday night television.