
Josh Geffin

Josh Geffin, originally from Dorset, is a musician and writer based in London. He works as a guitar teacher, composer and performer. Josh’s poetry explores themes of distance, mindfulness, humour, and memory. His poem ‘Norfolk Royal’ was published in Issue 91 of The Rialto magazine.


Instagram / Twitter: @joshgeffin

Norfolk Royal

This is how
they used to taste.
Look at this one:


and rightly small.
A mountainous region
globed with red

and blemished towns,
lines of tiny altitude.
It reads my palm.

Good Deed

I read somewhere that every day you could do a good deed,
but if anyone found out it wouldn’t count.

Like, I suppose, surreptitiously washing the cups
in the staff room, picking up a piece of litter
without anyone noticing, or silently praying
for the health and prosperity of a stranger on the bus.

I thought about this tonight, coming home late
from a weekend away, suitcase clattering
on uneven pavement in quiet Sunday dark.
Getting to my road I decided to carry it instead –
this is a good deed, I thought: here I am
doing my good deed for the day,
for the light sleepers of the street.

But now you know so it doesn’t count.