Wooden Overcoats created by David K. Barnes (MA Writing for Performance, 2013), an original radio sitcom about rival funeral directors, has recently been nominated for this year’s PRIX EUROPA for Radio in the Digital Audio category.
PRIX EUROPA is a weeklong trimedia festival and the biggest professional forum of its kind. This year it is celebrating its 30th anniversary with the slogan “Changing Europe!” drawing attention to contemporary and effective ways of coverage and the mission of the media in the European crisis. Nominees will present themselves in the festival week from 15 to 21 October in Berlin to the scrutiny of around 1000 international media professionals.
Produced by an independent company and released exclusively online as a podcast, Wooden Overcoats is written by a number of exciting writers led by series creator David K. Barnes with a cast that combines new and established acting talent including Ciara Baxendale, Andy Hamilton and Belinda Lang.
The first series features eight 30-minute episodes, which were made and released last year on a budget of sixpence, and picked up plaudits in The Times (“Inspired comedy”), The Guardian (“As good, if not better, than any Radio 4 comedy offering”) and The Daily Telegraph (“Marks a quietly significant moment in British radio comedy”) amongst other publications. It was listed as one of iTunes Best of 2015 UK podcasts and recently, Wooden Overcoats raised over £10,000 from fans to make a second series.
The production team contains Goldsmiths alumni including co-directors and producers John Wakefield (MA Radio, 2014) and Andy Goddard (MA Radio, 2014) and writers Tiffany Woodsmith (MA Writing for Performance, 2014) and Christopher Hogg (MA Writing for Performance, 2014).
You can listen to the series direct on their website or download from iTunes.
“We welcome all new listeners, and urge people to tell their friends about us! We’re still a small company, so we rely entirely on word of mouth and iTunes reviews. We’re tremendously proud of the show and hoping that our listeners will enjoy the second series later this year!” -series creator David K. Barnes
Wooden Overcoats will be performing the first episode of their new series at the London Podcast Festival on Sunday, 25 September.
Find out more about the cast and crew including Goldsmiths alumni.