Autumn short courses at Goldsmiths

Goldsmiths alumni receive a 15% discount on any Goldsmiths short courses listed on Eventbrite. There are many exciting short courses starting in October 2022, including these listed below. Don’t miss out!

To receive your alumni discount, email with your alumni details.

Creativity, Confidence and Public Speaking – 18 October

Does public speaking fill you with fear? Learn how to feel more confident, comfortable and self-assured on our upcoming 6-week course!

Drawing on a range of social science theories and using improvisation techniques you’ll explore topics such as social interaction, active listening, body language, group cohesion and presenting skills. Expect an encounter with your inner critic and find lots of opportunities to try, fail, and try again!

Delivered live and online through Zoom

Find out more and book your place now, here:…/creativity-confidence-public…/

Masters of Sex: Feminisms, Sexuality and the Archive – 11 October

Are you interested in exploring the major themes and intersections within feminist and queer studies?

On this 10 week introductory course we will put feminism and queerness in conversation with the archive – a space in which we can understand the past, present and future in parallel. We’ll cover film, photography, television and archival material in order to address the body, gender politics and erotic desire through an intersectional lens. You will be encouraged throughout to develop new ways of thinking about gender and sexuality and learn how to present your ideas, develop arguments, analyse media examples as well as how to conduct research through a feminist and queer framework.

Delivered live and online through Zoom

Find out more or book your place here:

Explore the unknown corners, subterranean channels, and unconventional pleasures that have inspired and shaped Literature in London!
This unique course offers a chance to reconceptualise London in fiction and to explore how writers have contributed to our sense of the city, its geography, and its inhabitants.
Over 10-weeks you’ll study the work of a variety of authors, foregrounding Gothic, Decadent, Modernist and contemporary representations of urban life set in or inspired by London. Examining prose, poetry, essays, and short fiction by celebrated and lesser-known writers of the last two centuries from Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf and Patrick Hamilton to Zadie Smith and Kae Tempest. The course also offers an optional walking tour of London’s literary haunts!
5 October – 14 December, Wednesday evenings, 6.30-8.30pm
Delivered live and online through Zoom
Find out more and to book your place visit:

Psychology-Fashion…how does THAT work? If you’re interested in finding out and exploring what this might me, then we’d love to see you on this popular and enlightening 5-week course.
From sensation and perception through self and identity, consumer behaviour, social responsibility, to bias, representation and inclusion, we discuss how understanding fashion and behaviours we will encounter, can work for us.
Caryn Franklin M.B.E., British fashion and identity commentator and activist, former fashion editor and co-editor of i-D magazine, and presenter of the BBC’s Clothes Show, leads the group through a truly engaging experience.
5 October – 9 November, Wednesdays, 6.30pm-8.30pm
Delivered live and online through Zoom
Find out more and book your place now, here:


Head to the Goldsmiths Short Course page: