Guest Post: Alumni on campus

Why I’d like to see more alumni return to campus

open mic lars (2)

Since the start of the new academic year, the events staff at the Goldsmiths Students’ Union have been incredibly excited about the prospect of members of the alumni community holding talks or events of their own in the Stretch, our newly refurbished, award-winning space at the top of the SU building.

Following the success of hip-hop artist and social activist Akala’s talk during Black History Month, it was clear there is a huge demand in the student body for speakers, and the prospect of the alumni-student relationships being developed through this kind of personal communication is creating a buzz throughout the Students’ Union.

For those of you who don’t already know, BAFTA and MOBO award-winning hip-hop artist, writer/poet and historian ‘Akala’ is a label owner and social entrepreneur who fuses unique rap/rock/electro-punk sound with fierce lyrical storytelling. He delivered a talk on Hip-Hop and Shakespeare and decolonising our curriculums. This was followed by a live acapella session.

There is an almost endless range in the type and size of events that the Students’ Union can cater to, with a committed team of past and current students, hoping to extend not only the type of events we hold but to extend and improve both current and past students Goldsmiths’ experience. Whether it’s an educational talk, career orientated or a performance, the Students’ Union and the student body hope to hear from you.

As a student myself, the prospect of hearing and seeing first-hand what can be achieved after my time at Goldsmiths has ended is exciting, to say the least. Hearing stories and gaining professional advice in any capacity from past members of the student body is something that I would love to see and would gain incredibly valuable insights from.

If you have an idea for an event or maybe want to try out existing material, be it spoken word, music, comedy or anything else, please get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office in the first instance.

Thank you!


Guest post by Henry Asplin, who is currently studying Drama and Theatre Arts at Goldsmiths, University of London.