49,667 items were downloaded from GRO this month. The countries that downloaded the most were United Kingdom, Germany, and United States.
This month’s top downloaded item is “Journalism: a profession under pressure?” a paper co-authored by Tamara Witschge, former research associate at the Department of Media and Communications’ Leverhulme Media Research Centre. Witschge’s paper looks at the changing aspects of the profession of journalism, and how these affect the autonomy of journalists.
The three most popular items in GRO this month were:
Journalism: a profession under pressure? (2009) by Tamara Witschge and Gunnar Nygren (377 downloads).
Evaluating the theory of executive dysfunction in autism (2004) by Elisabeth L. Hill. (376 downloads)
FLOSSTV Free, Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS) within participatory ‘TV hacking’ Media and Arts Practices (2012) by Adnan Hadziselimovic (288 downloads).
New in GRO This Month
Research outputs available on GRO range from book chapters to music compositions, from artworks to journal articles. Here is a small selection from the recent deposits:
Gustav Kuhn, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, has recently published an Open Access paper entitled “A framework for using magic to study the mind” in Frontiers in Psychology. You can download the full text here: http://research.gold.ac.uk/11634/
Manuel Ramos Martinez from the Department of Visual Cultures deposited his paper “The Oxidation of the Documentary – The Politics of Rust in Wang Bing’s Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks,” recently published in Third Text. http://research.gold.ac.uk/11557/
More about GRO Stats
We are publishing brief reports every month if you are interested in seeing GRO’s monthly upload and download activity. You can access the May report here.
Deposit Your Work
If you are an academic or a PhD student at Goldsmiths, you can deposit your research outputs on GRO. If you need any help or guidance, please email the GRO team at gro@gold.ac.uk.