Hello all, I hope you are doing well!
The Library team is working on a research project over the next few weeks to improve Library Search. The Library Search is Goldsmiths’ information database that helps you find hardcopy and electronic resources like articles, books, and journals. The Search is therefore an important aspect of the university, as it supports academics in providing and sharing resources for their modules, as well as enabling students to find those resources. The Library Team wanted to ensure that the Library Search tool is easy and convenient to use, as well as inclusive and accessible. So, we created a research survey to find out more about your experience, and any feedback you may have.
The survey will start by asking about your general experience with the Library Search, including the specific resources you use to find information. We will then go on to ask you about any issues you may have with locating both physical and electronic resources. Your feedback will be asked about specific features of the Library Search – particularly the bookmark function, the filter for Special Collections and Archives, as well as the Library Induction. Finally, if you have any problems with the digital accessibility and inclusivity of the Library Search, this survey will ask you to mention these areas, as well as suggest further improvements.
The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete, and it closes on 3rd July. Your opinion truly matters, so come and help us improve our Library by clicking on this survey link.
Thank you, and have a lovely summer!
Sarah Rex-Lawson
Library User Experience Research Project Team Member
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