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Revision Tools – 1. Internet Blockers

There are a number of tools available online that can help your study become more effective and stop you procrastinating on websites like Twitter and Facebook. This week we’ll be giving you some tips on using online study tools to help you make the most of the time you have.

Internet/Website Blockers

You can use these to completely block your access to the internet, or block any websites that are officially a waste of time. Obviously we mean Facebook, but you might have any number of similar vices. One of the most simple of these tools is ‘Cold Turkey‘. It blocks any websites you choose for any time period you choose.Stay Focusd‘  does the same thing, but with a work-around that involves solving a puzzle, and for Macs you can get ‘Self Control‘ in just a few minutes! These tools don’t help you if you also have access to the web on your phone, but you could always try making it a game with your flatmates. Have everyone put their phone in a communal area, and the first person to crack and look at their phone has to cook dinner.

Written Kitten

For those of you still writing essays or dissertations, Written Kitten creates more of an incentive to keep writing. For every 100 words, a new kitten appears to give you something to work towards.

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