1. Dear Gabriela, I can see little islands of time. I wonder if the leopard is stranded out there in the wild, where is home?
    Your image is telling of many different stories. Inspiring and full of wonder!

  2. This is a very powerful piece, it resonates on a personal level and also with the uncertainties of the kind that we’re currently experiencing, in different ways. I realise there’s plenty more in there, too.

  3. two contained things. two contained things with implied innards of a different nature. one of the contained things is oriented towards the other contained thing. One contained thing presumes eyes, the other suggests similar?
    Tone of the contained things is surrounded by carefully arranged elements that seem to be parts of other things (we do not know if those other thongs were contained things)…All things have a pattern on their surfaces. i will step out of line by calling the many arranged things ‘shards’.
    my immediate and personal response: “look what they done to my song ma”
    I am pretty sure that the stillness of this piece is going to erupt into my own dreams.
    i might even write a song about it.

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