On March 17th 2021, a symposium in Maternal Mental Health Across Africa was held virtually. This event was funded by a SeNSS and ESRC postdoctoral fellowship awarded to Dr Katie Rose Sanfilippo at Goldsmiths, University of London. It was cohosted by The African Alliance for Maternal Mental Health and the Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Read More…
Spooky times: Goldsmiths’ real-life ghostbuster
Chris French joined the Department of Psychology at Goldsmiths in 1985 and for the past four decades has studied the psychology of paranormal beliefs and anomalous experiences. Professor Chris French Over 150 articles and chapters later, Chris retired in September 2020. Now an emeritus professor, he recently signed a deal with MIT Press and is Read More…
Coos and babbles: Language learning in ‘pre-verbal’ babies
Evelyne is a lecturer in the department of psychology at Goldsmiths. She studied Speech and Language Therapy, Neuroscience and Psychology. She conducts research on infant neurocognitive development and the role of early communicative experience in shaping this process. She uses various brain imaging methods to investigate how the infant brain develops functional specialisation for social Read More…
Voting Preferences and Group-Based Attitudes Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala & Oliver Keenan, PrejudiceLab, Goldsmiths, University of London Agnieszka is head of the PrejudiceLab and Reader in the Psychology department at Goldsmith, University of London. She is a member of the AcademiaNet. The Portal for to Excellent Women Academics (http://www.academia-net.org) and has contributed to several diverse research areas, including psychological predictors Read More…
Memory conformity between eyewitnesses
Fiona is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Forensic Psychology Unit at Goldsmiths. She also chairs the Scientific Committee of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG), and acts as Associate Editor for the academic journal ‘Memory’. Fiona has an international reputation for her research on the suggestibility of memory and investigative interviewing, Read More…
The touch test
Natalie Bowling completed her PhD in Goldsmiths’ Banissy lab in 2018. She then completed an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Sussex before once more working in the Banissy lab as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Her work examines interoception, touch, and body representations in typical adults and mirror-sensory synaesthetes. Her broader research interests include Read More…
Threat to national survival: sexual prejudice in times of COVID 19 prejudice in Poland
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala & Oliver Keenan, PrejudiceLab, Goldsmiths, University of London Agnieszka is head of the PrejudiceLab and Reader in the Psychology department at Goldsmith, University of London. She is a member of the AcademiaNet. The Portal for to Excellent Women Academics (http://www.academia-net.org) and has contributed to several diverse research areas, including psychological predictors Read More…
The Art of Slow Looking
Rebecca Chamberlain’s research sets out to understand how and why individuals create and respond so powerfully to works of art. Rebecca studied for a foundation degree in Art and Design at the University of the Arts, London before moving into cognitive science. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Experimental Psychology at University College Read More…
The Science of Magic
Gustav Kuhn is a cognitive psychologist with a rather unique background – prior to becoming an academic, he worked as a semi-professional magician. Gustav now directs the MAGIC (Mind Attention and General Illusory Cognition) lab at Goldsmith, where he and his team members use magic to uncover the secrets of the human mind. Gustav is one Read More…
The connection between personality and musical abilities
One could think that musicians are generally introverted as they practice their instruments all on their own day after day. Others might imagine that musicians are highly extroverted as they must go up on stage and perform in front of an audience. So far research on extraversion and other personality factors has not yet shown Read More…