Watch this Ted talk on magic and free will from our amazing PhD candidate Alice Pailhes.
Watch as Guido Orgs explores why we feel good when we watch dance.
Watch this demonstration, filmed at Goldsmiths, of the memory conformity (memory suggestibility) effect.
In this documentary, Caoimhe and Fiona contribute to the search for what it thought to be the UK’s first serial animal killer.
Caoimhe contributes to a podcast series looking at offenders whose come crimes are considered so horrific they are subjected to a life behind bars.
Check out these ‘essays’ on memory by resident experts, Fiona and Chris.
In this documentary, Caoimhe talks about the psychological functioning and possible motivation behind serial killings.
TAGC (The Accessible Genetics Consortium) is a team of researchers who work to make genetics concepts understandable. Find out more about TAGC here ( or by checking out this video, podcast and article.
Recently many InLab students were involved in a fully funded 2-month Erasmus+ Exchange with one of Goldsmith’s partner universities, Tomsk State University in Russia. This fantastic video was made by one of the students on the exchange and should give you a snapshot of the experience
At Goldsmiths, you can contribute to research that matters. Our research on a controversial topic of hormones and cognitive sex differences, showed that prenatal testosterone does not explain why males, on average, outperform females on tests of spatial abilities.
Our students are involved in several international interdisciplinary research projects. Most students go to Paris and Rome, not many can say they’ve been in Siberia! A short video, based on the experiences of one of our postgraduate students Tomsk:
Check out this video on (resident sleep specialist) Alice’s new book. The Sleepy Pebble and Other Stories is a collection of stories written by Alice and children’s author Christy Kirkpatrick, with illustrations by Eleanor Hardman.
In this talk, Ashok explores the fascinating field of cognitive neuropsychology through video examples of patients with very selective disorders.