Congratulations to Yesim Yildiz, who has been awarded a 3-year funded ESRC New Investigator’s Grant, entitled: Official Archives of State Violence, starting 1 March.
Congratulations, also to Miranda Armstrong who received an award of £8385 from the grassroots organisation Resourcing Racial Justice to further develop her PhD research and undertake some advocacy around the topic – single motherhood and youth at intersections of race, gender, class.
Kat Jungickel‘s ERC project “Politics of Patents” is very pleased to welcome a new member to the research team. Ellen Fowles has joined as a Research Assistant/Project Manager. We look forward to introducing her properly at an upcoming dept meeting.
The report of the British Academy project (Documentality & Display) has been published. Titled ‘Archives of Violence: Case Studies from South America’, and co-authored by Vikki Bell with Oriana Bernasconi, Jaime Hernández-García and Cecilia Sosa, it reports on our research on important archives in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The digital version is available here and also via our project website.
A report from the Newton Prize funded project has also been completed. It addresses the different ways the crime of forced disappearance is registered in Mexico, Colombia and Chile, the challenges faced in so doing and recommendations for best practice. A copy of this report (in Spanish) is available from Vikki Bell by request.
The ‘Labour of Love’, a manifesto for open-access (and for freedom, integrity, and creativity) in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences, that Melissa Nolas and Christos Varvantakis were involved in co-authoring has now been translated into Spanish and Italian:
‘Un acto de amor. Un Manifiesto de Acceso Abierto por la libertad, la integridad y la creatividad en las humanidades y las ciencias sociales interpretativas.’ América Crítica, 4(2), 157-162.
‘Un atto d’amore: Manifesto Open Access per la libertà, l’integrità e la creatività nelle scienze umane e nelle scienze sociali interpretative.’ Anuac: Rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale, 9 (2), 7-16.
And the link to the English version here.
Carrying As Method: Listening to Bodies as Archives published in Body and Society. Nirmal Puwar will be discussing the article with doctorate students at the University of California, Davis, with Prof. Maxine Craig.
In December, a special issue of the open-access online journal, Media Theory, was published, edited by Beckie Coleman and Susanna Paasonen (Turku, Finland), called Mediating Presents (supported by Beckie’s Leverhulme Research Fellowship of the same name).
An interview with Martin Savransky on his forthcoming book has been published in Portuguese under the title of “Pragmáticas do Pluriverso” in the journal Novos Debates: Forum de Antropologia.
Michaela Benson and Nando Sigona published the blogpost Brexit on ‘Plague Island’: fortifying the UK’s borders in times of crisis on The Sociological Review Blog.
Les Back and William ‘Lez’ Henry (2021) ‘Reggae Culture as Local Knowledge: Mapping the Beats on the South East London Streats‘ in W. Henry & M. Worley (eds) Narratives from Beyond the UK Reggae Bassline, Palgrave Macmillan/Springer: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 29-58.
Les Back (2021) ‘Hope’s work,’ Antipode, 53/1, pp. 3-20.
Congratulations to Emma Jackson, whose article – Bowling Together? Practices of Belonging and Becoming in a London Ten-Pin Bowling League. 2020;54(3):518-533 – has been nominated for the Sociology 2021 SAGE Prize for Innovation and Excellence. Emma’s article has been shortlisted by the journal editors from all of the papers published by Sociology in 2020 issues.
Melissa Nolas and Christos Varvantakis have been successful in their application to establish a permanent Network for Multimodal Ethnography at the European Association for Social Anthropologists. More details to follow.
On February 16th, Michael Guggenheim was invited to give a talk at a roundtable of STS-CH on: “When crisis matter: Reflecting on STS methods, concepts, and interventions”.
Michaela Benson and Karen O’Reilly discussed the BrExpats research project with QMUL PhD students Vikki Barry Brown and Connie Thomas for the webinar broadcast on 16 Feb 2021 organised by Mobile People Programme.
Fauzia Ahmad was quoted in an article for Jewish Voice for Labour.
Fauzia is also one of the signatories of an open letter of complaint to the BBC’s Woman’s Hour following the way Zara Mohammed was treated by presenter, Emma Barnett.
The letter was featured in The Guardian:
Beckie Coleman, Nirmal Puwar and Kat Jungnickel are pleased to announce a new Methods Lab series with Goldsmiths Press. It aims to be a multi-dimensional research, practice, and publishing platform to foster experimental open-ended approaches to studying and intervening in the social world. It will include, although not limited to, rapid and open formats, graphic responses and documentation, reflections, and essays as well as books with longer and more sustained arguments. The first publication will be the “How To Do Social Research With….” collection.
In a podcast from The Sarah Parker Remond Centre, Luke de Noronha is joined by Les Back, to talk about the concept of the ‘metropolitan paradox’.
Book Launch (Unit of Global Justice): 24 Feb, 6-8pm – ‘Emancipatory Trajectories in Bosnia Herzegovina’. Jasmina Husanovic will present her book and will be joined by Kiran Grewal for discussion. Free, but please register here.
CPCT Seminar Series: On Debt: Neoliberal Coloniality in the colony of Puerto Rico – Rocio Zambrana (Emory University) – Thursday 25 February, 4-6pm. To register go here.
Martin Savransky has been invited to participate in a discussion organised by the Social Science Expert Group (SSEG), a sub-group of the Science Advisory Council of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), to be held on Tuesday 2nd March.
Kat Jungnickel will be speaking about her edited collection: Transmissions: critical tactics for making and communicating research (MIT Press, 2020) in a Collaborative Future-Making seminar at Malmo University on Thursday 4 March.
Michaela Benson will be discussing what Britain’s shifting position in the world in consequence of Brexit means for British citizens and nationals living overseas at a British Academy online event taking place 9 March 2021.
As a convenor of the BSA New Materialisms Study Group, Fay Dennis is co-organizing a series of joint events with the STS Study Group. The seminars, taking place online in June-May, will be considering themes across science studies and the new materialisms, and include talks from Dr Eva Giraud (University of Keele), Dr Angie Wiley (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Professor Deboleena Roy (Emory University). More details can be found here.
Jennifer Fleetwood will be presenting at the University of Surrey on the 12th of May, as part of the event Navigating the Ethics and Data Management Climate for Social Scientists.
Miranda Armstrong will be doing an online public talk about her research with the community organisation Black History Walks on Thursday 4 March at 6.30pm. Register here.