Laura Buckle


Instagram: @florabucket


  • A brown sculpture standing at the foot of a tree.
  • A mint coloured sculpture standing at the foot of a tree.
  • A khaki sculpture lying on top of a pile of logs.

  • A fabric sculpture lying on the floor of a woodland area.
  • A fabric sculpture in a large white room, shot in greyscale.
  • A large fabric sculpture hangs from the ceiling of a large white room.

  • An abstract purple, white and black sculpture made of woven fabric stands near a dock.
  • An abstract purple, white and black sculpture made of woven fabric stands near a dock.
  • An abstract purple, white and black sculpture made of woven fabric stands near a dock.
  • A sculpture made from a roll of fabric.

Fatima Alaiwat


Instagram: home_land___


A photo of some food in a dish, on a wooden table with some paper.
Ingest with intimacy, Seawater from Dover, salvaged oven, my own cooking pot, gratin (potatoes, cheese, milk, butter, Dover salt, black pepper), 2022.

Investigating the site of Dover as a border, a passage and an archive. Through a DIY process of distilling and extracting salt and water from sea water collected in Dover, I explore fluid channels of what connects and separates us.

A photo of an oven with a tube emerging from a pot on one of its hobs.
Ingest with intimacy, Seawater from Dover, salvaged oven, my own cooking pot, gratin (potatoes, cheese, milk, butter, Dover salt, black pepper), 2022.

A photo of orange peel in compost.
Pickled soil wafts broken memories, Orange peel, Bokashi bran, 2022.

Cultivating memory, home and belonging with fermented orange peel compost.

Jacob Wilson


Whale Hunting, Projected Mini DV Video, 2021-2022.

An obsession with the domestic and trivial world is so necessary to school an intelligence and make of it a soul.

I’m sorry, I’ll call you again tomorrow, Mini DV Video on CRT screen, 2021 – 2022.

On every corner a small and common place to go to the end of one’s self in.

Notes from the Ground, Notes found on the ground, 2021 – 2022.

You’ll always be good for nothing if you don’t read what the world has written around you.

Tomas Fernandez Vertiz


Instagram: @bytomasfernandez


Dos Noches y Tres Dias, Audio and Two-Channel Video, 2018-21.

A documentary set in Chinampas, a community in central Mexico, of which several members have had to emigrate to the United States. The relationship between the community and the surrounding nature is explored, whilst remaining in the presence of a wind power plant. Its aim is to question where the future lies for communities affected by poverty in a context defined by environmental progress, violence and corruption.

  • A close-up shot of some hands.
  • A shot of hands chopping vegetables.
  • A shot of hands outside.
  • A shot of a garden.
  • A shot of some graffiti in a city.
  • A blurt shot of someone performing CPR.

A documentary that looks at the Latin American community in London, through arrival and discrimination, sense of community and alternative healing. This 3 chapter documentary takes a deep look at the melancholy of home and at the importance of belonging.

Sam Risley


Instagram: @sam.risley


  • Video stills from 'Coppice' (2022).

Coppice (2022) is a film rooted in a feeling of psychic dislocation with land. It is an exploration of our ability to be in relation and commune with landscapes transformed through violent industrial histories.

Rita Morais


  • A film still of a piece of a gold and a river.
  • A film still of a hand clutching some pebbles.
  • a film still of a dog in a forest.

Looking for underground remnants of ruina montium – the technique used by romans to extract gold highly explored in Iberia -, we are confronted with a multiplicity of subjectivities that re-inhabit the territory.

Yixuan Lyu


Instagram: @yixuan.lyu

  • A still from a video about language and blackholes.
  • A still from a video about language and blackholes.
  • A still from a video about language and blackholes.
  • A still from a video about language and blackholes.
  • A still from a video about language and blackholes.

A short video about language and blackhole.

  • stills from a film about an artist trying to get a permanent residency to live underwater.
  • stills from a film about an artist trying to get a permanent residency to live underwater.
  • stills from a film about an artist trying to get a permanent residency to live underwater.
  • stills from a film about an artist trying to get a permanent residency to live underwater.
  • stills from a film about an artist trying to get a permanent residency to live underwater.

A story of an artist trying to get a permanent residency to live underwater.

Patrycja Loranc


 Instagram: @psychepoeticlaundrette


More of What I Don’t Know – trailer, video, performance, field recordings, humming, singing, speech, sweet wrappers, music, 2022.

Four parts of Fragments of Experience project. Psychedelic Practice. Inspired by sensory profiles and neurodiversity the film treats the sensory experience and unique associations of memory as a trigger for an altered state.

  • An abstract, multi-coloured image.
  • an abstract, dark image.
  • a distorted black and white image.
  • A very dark, black and red image.
  • An abstract, greyscale image.
  • An abstract, multi-coloured image.

Fragments of Experience is my ongoing ritual of experimental practice. I collect videos, photographs, sound, and text, captured in different moments of my life that reflect on/resonate with my cognitive, emotional, and sensory experiences.

Here and What Made Me Be, still photographs, field recordings from spaces, 2021.

Exploration of relationships with objects, spaces, and nature through unique sensory profiles. Flicker as a structural tool interacting with brainwaves in a meditative state. A participatory practice. Memory, home-feeling, post-traumatic reclaiming, love.

Christian Kingo


Instagram: @kiokingo

  • An image of an abstract digital video.
  • An image of an abstract digital video.
  • An image of an abstract digital video.
  • An image of an abstract digital video.
  • An image of an abstract digital video.
  • An image of an abstract digital video.

DIAL (1-4-1), Video installation and sculpture, London Underground S stock electric train set, Bluetooth LED name tags, 3d printed oversized human ribcage (plastic), Fruit of the Loom classic hooded sweat (heather grey), Kiosk KX100 phone cover, JVC TM-A170G 17inch CRT colour monitor, DVD player, Hitachi CP-WU8440, 2 x QSC Active Speakers + Sub, OSB floorboard, Wood sheets & Black paint, 2022.

A lyrical ghost mourning a lost autonomy whilst offering no resolution, merely an aestheticised ectoplasm occupying the space between the architectural structures presented by the late night’s drum and bass.