Hyunjun Cho

Email: junchoart@gmail.com

Instagram: @juncholondon

Website: hyunjuncho.com

An image of a curved and abstract bronze sculpture.
BPPV-Inspiration 17012023, Mixed media, 2023

Inspired by a disease called BPPV, and based on the artist’s experiences while suffering from the disease, the artist reinterpreted the shape his own semi-circular canal into a heterogeneous and dense silhouette to express an experience in sculpture.

An image. of several glass objects on a bed of black sand.
BPPV-Inspiration 28022023, Mixed Media, 2023

The piece is inspired by a disease called BPPV and the artist’s inherent in the experience while suffering from the disease. By making these individually unique pieces of sculptures, the difference in pain that was experienced each day was expressed through mass production. (2000pieces)