Mariette Moor


Instagram: @mariettemoor


A white sculpture made of light fabric standing in a church.
wishful thinking, Paperclay, interleave paper and steel, 2021.

The thin metal sways gently, a cut-out slung over it. Tethered by four claws, limp limbs have extended themselves too far by trying to reach upwards away from contact or downwards towards it.

An image of several pewter wishbones hanging on wires in a white room.
ripple (face your joints), Detail from installation containing pewter and cotton thread, 2022.

Associated text excerpt: Staring at the morsels, and everything I’ve built from them, I reach out to touch one lightly, just one, so as not to disturb the others. Tentative still, I sneak a quick lick…

A red and black drawing of biological shapes.
they went to rest (stay close), Detail from series of layered coloured pencil drawings on transparent interleave paper, 2022.