2020 GFF Edition — Catching light


Catching Light is a short narrative animation. Drawn by hand, the animation is constantly flowing and changing, at times its expressive lines running wild and chaotic. The story is about the struggle for one’s deepest desires, and in its journey, with darkness in place of light, questioning the reality of desires, and the perceptions of the ideas of imprisonment, freedom; resistance, acceptance; desire, and non-desire. 


Tianhao Xu


Tianhao Xu is a young Chinese film director. Born in Zhejiang province, he immigrated to the UK aged six and graduated from Oxford University in Fine Arts in 2017. His work is strongly influenced by eastern philosophies and experimental art. Tianhao is currently working on an independent feature documentary exploring a martial arts boarding school in Dengfeng, Henan province, China.

Follow Tianhao Xu on his website and on IG: @tianxuart


  Isabel Stoppani de Berrie
  Margaret Chung