Chandni Nakum

The painting of the sea visualises my experience as a first-year art therapist trainee. This academic year has been a turbulent experience, filled with uncertainty and unpredictability. “Just go with the flow” was the advice given at the start of the year. As a first-year student, I envisioned myself sailing with the guidance of the tides and waves of the course. However, at times, it felt as if I was drowning with no lifeboat. The waves of the ocean emulate our emotions, at one moment we can be calm and serene, the next rocky and angry. We might glide along on happy emotions, or be swept away by anger, we might experience small emotional ups and downs, or a big wave of sadness and hopelessness might drown us. This course has helped me ride the waves of emotions, to not be swept away by them, recognise unpredictable changes and go with the flow.

Chandni Nakum _Go with the flow_ (40x40cm – Acrylic paint_ resin and glitter)


One comment

  1. I love how the resin creates a reflective surface to the painting… I can see myself reflected in that emotional tide as well

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