2020 GFF Edition — mbedzi land, our land, queens land


Through a nuanced and intimate dialogue, the film seeks to piece together fragments of a history where documentation is scarce. Inavigates some of the traditional myths and narratives of the VhaVenda of Southern African – histories independent of colonialism, while also challenging and averting the colonial gaze and its Eurocentric ideologies.  


Sherie Sitauze
Producer / Artist

Born at Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and currently based in London, U.K. She is studying for a Master’s in Fine Art at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her recent exhibitions include a-non-space-one-removed-from-the-1st-and-2nd-an-area-of.com (2020),Shadow: A Space In-between, The Friends Institute, Birmingham, U. K. (2019), and Nomadic Vitrine atSouthwark Park Galleries‘ Bermondsey Bothy, London, U.K (2019). 


Follow Sherie Situaze on IG: @bysheriesitauze