Share your memories

Submissions are now closed

Image: Memory postbox at People’s Day 2022

Thank you to everyone who submitted a memory and helped us build such a rich and diverse picture of Lewisham since 1945. Your contributions are now stored on our digital archive and will be deposited with Lewisham Heritage for posterity in 2024.

If for any reason you would like to withdraw your memory from the project, please contact 

In Living Memory was a Lewisham-wide programme of work that is a part of Lewisham’s tenure as London Borough of Culture in 2022 and supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). 

In Living Memory sought to create a diverse and inclusive history of post-war Lewisham. The programme was made up of a series of community-led projects, each investigating a different aspect of the borough’s post-war history.

As part of this process, In Living Memory collected memories from local people, centring the voices of those often missing from mainstream history to produce a shared and enduring story of post-war Lewisham.

We invited people to share their memories of Lewisham in different ways:

  • Completing the written memory form
  • Leaving a message on our freephone Lewisham Memory Line
  • Emailing scanned images or documents to

Before sharing, contributors were invited to learn more about how we planned to use their memory