Queering Anthropology

The third Anthways issue reflects on the positionality and experiences of queer researchers, applied queer theories, queer methods, and queerness within the discipline of Anthropology.


Volume 3 (2023)

Queering Anthropology

Published: 1st October 2023

Table of contents

Editor’s Note 2023
by Rae Teitelbaum & Anna Rohmann

Queering Digital Space: How Queer Bodies Disturb the Gender Binary in Facial Recognition
by Qingyi Ren

Can Queering Documentary provide Queer Tools to Decolonise Documentary Filmmaking (and Dismantle the Master’s House)?
by Lu Wilson

Our Earthly Queer and Trans Kinship Song
by Rae Teitelbaum

I’m here, I’m Queer, how should I speak here? (Insider) Outsider: One Queer Anthropologist’s Encounter with the Growing Weed of Positionality
by Ray Abu-Jaber

Undergraduate Course Essay Showcase:
The Artificial Beholder and our Digital Dreams

by Anna Dobos

PDF of Anthways, Vol.3, Issue 1, 2023