“Latin America: Translation attempts” series is supported by the Unit of Global Justice Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths; Latin Elephant; and the Latin American Hub, Goldsmiths.
The films take place at Goldsmiths University of London as follows:
15/03 Daughter of The Lake (2015, Peru, 87 minutes), directed by Ernesto Cabellos. Q&A (online) with director Ernesto Cabellos.
29/03 Estadio Nacional [National Stadium] (2002, Chile, 111 minutes), directed by Carmen Luz Parot. Q&A with Carmen Luz Parot.
12/04 Hombre Nuevo [The New Man] (2015, Uruguay, Nicaragua, 79 minutes), directed by Aldo Garay. Comments by Amanda Alfaro Córdoba
26/04 Señorita extraviada [Missing Young Woman] (2002, Mexico, 74 minutes), directed by Lourdes Portillo. Comments by Abeyamí Ortega.
10/05 Chicago Boys (2015, Chile, 85 minutes), directed by Carola Fuentes and Rafael Valdeavellano. Comments by Sergio Marras.
All films start at 6 pm and all sessions will be held at Media Research Building 05 (screen #1), except for Chicago Boys that will be at the Lecture Theatre of Ben Pimlott Building.