Auto / Bio / Fictional Graphic Narratives: A Symposium

26-27 June 2024


Call for Presentations


Abstracts & Biographies

Video recordings of the papers

Register to attend  (registration is now closed)



Life-writing in its many forms, including autofiction and biofiction, has grown exponentially in recent decades. Comics and graphic narratives have similarly become widespread and respected literary genres that feature many biographical, autobiographical, autofictional or biofictional texts.

Completing the 2023-24 Auto / Bio / Fiction series at the CCL, this online symposium will reflect on the combination of these two forms in order to explore how auto / bio / fictional graphic narratives and comics mobilise – and may put in tension – the visual and the verbal, the individual and the collective, the historical and the fictional, the documentary and the imagined, as well as popular culture and ‘serious’ literary fiction in constructing historical lives with varying degrees of fictionality and purposes.

Along traditional critical papers we invite alternative forms of contributions, including flash presentations, roundtable discussions, digital posters, practical exercises or workshops, and other original formats. Alongside academics, we welcome presentations of work in progress, or reflections on published work, by practitioners – writers and illustrators – at any stage of their careers.

For any inquiries, please contact us at (please include the words “Auto-Bio-Fictional Graphic Narratives” in the subject line)


The symposium is organised by the Auto / Bio / Fiction series convenors Lucia Claudia Fiorella, Natasha Bell and Lucia Boldrini, with Nancy Pedri and Maria Juko.